Who do you consider to be your motivation in life? Well not a trivial one to answer this! I should say its come of ages! As kids it would be some iconic characters like Superman or a leading film star etc.. who would be the one whom we looked upon like gods! We were awed. But as we grew we had people in our own circle who could lead us by example. Well, i say we since i am sure many of us have gone through this phase. I always admired my family and the way each one of them was and is inspiring me in every walk. And of course were the teachers too! Then came the people in class (ok.. well, classmates), i would look at one who would answer everything on earth and think, "Wow! is there something he/she doesn't know? I gotta be like that!". And run back home, study for a day or two, get the pseudo-gnaan and phew....throw them in the air! This happened to me very often!

And by the time i realized i was pretty foolish at aping that way, were my friends who had their set of goals and dreams that would make me say, "Well......i get you, thats pretty interesting, wish i would do it!". And when you are a young adult, like what i am today, things change again! You see n number of people around you day in and day out. Each one would be an achiever in their own sense. You sit back and say "Hmm....thats where i wanna be!" But the irony is that the "where" is "everywhere" and you gotta narrow things down!

Okay, i am just trying to say that you can get motivated by people around you for infinite times and it feels great, just too cool! But how far is the spirit in you is what makes you! I just wanna know if there is a class of "inspirons" who can get on you and make you achieve things! Very eager to meet one!
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