Me waiting at the door,
Waiting and waiting till it was four.
Came she with a pleasing smile,
My heart jumped a mile.

Yeah, she did have that charm,
And i rested my painful arm.
Went up to her with joy,
But, sad that she was too coy.

She looked at me up and down,
Pushing her curly hair so brown.
I admiring at the way she was dressed,
Realized that she had her things messed.

She staring and staring with great pomp,
Not at me but at the comp.
I was just too badly pissed,
Recollecting the two hours i had missed.

She was never my beauty queen,
I say this coz i really mean.
But she was the lady at the bank,
Where my patience almost sank!!!
The link here dates back to 5 to 6 years ago, where i remember a telecom company providing its subscribers with a facility called the "R World". It meant that with a push of a button (guess its the centre huge one!) one could access the net, send emails, watch movies etc etc.... At that time i thought it really created a huge wave in the industry and gave a tough run for its competators. And today the buzz is back! Just omit the "l" in "R World" and you end up recieving the big brother's christmas gift, yes i mean the "Recession" as we all know it! And i prefer to call it the "R Word"!

I was trying to note the subtle changes its caused in my life as a lay(wo)man.Well, i know not the economics of its effect on the GDP or the economic growth or blah blah... Thats not what i can really get into my head! But these changes are very minute that has influenced many of us i think. Here they go!

I was chatting with a friend of mine who is an engineering grad and happen to ask him what he was upto in life.He replied "jobkhoj" and with a grin face attributed that to the R word. Well if you happen to know a few of the fresh graduates or the final year ones, or if yourself is one, then i am sure this is pretty much the same there! We guys are the most spoken ones, be it anywhere! Just meet any Mr X or Mrs Y (I dont want to make more gender biases here :)) you will be shot with a question like "Oh final year is it? Have a job in your hands?" and if your answer is a yes, then again comes a sad nod "But the time is really bad you see, may be they would defer their join dates! blah blah ...." Some would go a step ahead and be generous to say "May be the situation improves by 2010 or 2012 ........", Guess where they got all these astro powers from!

Not just this, one day i was having a plate of masala dosa with a friend of mine in a good hotel and we noticed that the chutney go watery of late! We just had to look at each other and say "R Word"!
Its taken a toll on the banks as well! We have this practice of getting a Demand Draft (DD) from a bank as soon as we get our offer letters in college. Now, a student who on an average gets 3 offers now ends up with one or two! So that means the revenue on DDs of the other two offers is lost to the bank as well! Yeah blindly curse the R Word!

Apart from this, during my internship I was told that my company was into cost cutting. Trust me, they ended up cutting everything from extravagant snacks to the internet cable! I was also suprised one day to find the hand wash solution and the toilet papers missing from the rest room. Was that magical word also behind that?!? I wonder! May be if you find anything out of place in life, you can always just quip the "R word" and move on! May be that can get your frustration out!!!

Well i guess these are the small changes that affect me rather than the GDP, economic growth blah blah.....!!! Is it not R Wor(l)d really a buzz?! Are we not the chosen ones to face it?
This was one of the questions i always wanted an answer for. Well let me explain what it stands for. Was just thinking about the fights and arguments that people face and coined this term. Its called the "Kopa Quotient".(Kopa is a colloquial word in my language for anger in the well known English).I propose here many features that can trigger that "kopa" in you.

First of all i think its you as a person,i.e. if you are a born chili or an iceberg. If you know where you stand then its easier to analyze yourself (I know its not a great art doing the next bit!!!).Later comes the person on the other side (call him the "victim" or the "trigger"!). If he or she is someone you know for a very long time and guess his or her reactions, then the amount of "kopa" that floods you is very greater (I know there are counter-views to this, but thats logical and logic is not my subject you see!). I see it this way because you can always reconcile with the ones who are closer to your heart with that magical word "sorry".

Then of course is the subject or the reason for you being angry on that poor victim.It can vary from being late by half an hour to forgetting to return your lovely pen to ....... And according to me, the most sillier the reason, the greater the amount of "kopa" at that moment and easier is it to cajole that buddy of yours. Next comes the words you get at the tip of the mouth when you are in "kopa". If they are general "idiot..." "stupid..." kinds then the aftermath is easier to handle. Else if they are highly uncensored versions like "@#$!!" and "peeeeeeep", you better watch out. You are on the wrong way!

Of course the nature of the other person also plays a very very crucial role (I know its subjective but you can afford to take a guess!). Finally is the measure which indicates how easily you can be cooled down, if you require ice on your head or drinking a cool tender coconut could do the job! That is better if guessed by the "poor victim". Again, if its an intelligent guess he is saved, else he has a bad day!

May be with all these factors a reasonable KQ can be obtained by a simple addition of all these factors rated on a scale of ten (1 higher/simpler - 10 lower/complex) based upon the intensity, and finally you can get a KQ out of 50. Lesser the KQ, cooler you are! Is it not pretty simple?

Any takers?
A small friendly city, uncluttered minds around, a nice ambiance, two young hearts(call it a server and a client) and a sense of belonging. All just perfect to form the firm layers at the bottom to give a strong end to end connection. A continuous stream of feelings were supposed to pass uninterrupted between the two hearts with both connected forever. All that was needed to set it up and running was a "connect" at one end and an "accept" at the other end.Subsequently there was "send"ing and "recv"ing of messages. Many acknowledgments and requests were required to make it work in harmony. No errors or congestion were expected on the way. All this formed an ideal protocol for a smooth exchange of thoughts, a bliss that was long yearned for!

But this is just an ideal scenario! There are always exceptions!Rather unhandled exceptions. Many factors like congestion of thoughts, a loosening foundation and a drop in the service rate started affecting the quality of service. So, in the process, a delay caused losses of acknowledgments and eventually no requests appeared on either ends! Thus a "disconnect" was called by our server that was in a hurry, that did not have the required queue space to entertain more requests if they came. The other side, the client, could only receive, and though wanted to send, just could not! Seeing no requests the impatient server called a "timeout". The receiving client now had nothing to call a connection, and timed out without a "disconnect". This was never a synchronous exchange!

Well, that was a perfect recipe for an uncalled disaster. Nothing to be blamed but the design of the protocol!
The consequence was an unordered useless bursts of data.
A horrendous Twisted Connection Protocol!