I woke up to see the vermilion sun,
Shining in the crimson sky.
The orange rays touched
The brown earth dry.

The red blood in me
Emptied the violet violent mood.
As i could see the white dove,
Pick the yellow flower for food.

I slept on the grass so green,
Adorned with the maroon dips.
Reading my purple book,
Blush, on my pink lips.

I searched the grey matter,
What made me blue?
Was it the Prussian ink?
Or just another hue?

Thoughts went black,
As i watched the deep blue sky,
The dark brown leaves,
Among the sap green trees.

The sky turned orange,
And came a blue green star.
The moon shining white
Died in me the bloody war!
3 Responses
  1. Bharath Says:

    Beautifully put across..So very dexterous;
    The visual poetry and the way it ended..

    But, a suggestion here though-
    Just felt that it would have been more appropriate had it been
    I woke up to see the crimson sun,
    Shining in the vermilion sky.

    instead of

    Just a passing thought

  2. Spoo! Says:

    To The GeeK

    Nice to see you back. Thanks a lot!

  3. Spoo! Says:

    To !nversed Poignancy!

    Good suggestion there. Yeah crimson is a darker shade i know. May be a mistake there! But poetry, so can you imagine the unrealistic way of a lighter sun in the darker sky?

    That was just a spike in the brain, i really did not mean it that way when i put it !!! :)