These were random thoughts that crossed my mind when i was analyzing the sorts of people i had come across in my 22 years of experience. (I think thats good enough!) According to my research, there are two kinds of friends one can have, on a broad classification.

1.Static Friends: The characteristics of these “buddies” include sticking onto you every time, may be your thoughts revolve around them, you see them very often, live with them around, etc. Pretty sticky characters, wont leave you alone at any point of time! That does not really imply being gratuitous, but exceptions are there (just taking care of the fallacies!) At times these are the only ones who listen to your SOS. At the end of it, knowingly or unknowingly you get bound to them statically in the given time frame.

2.Dynamic Friends: These “fellows” are really the ones “on the fly”. They come to you, get your space allocated till their job is complete and deallocate themselves when they are done. Reallocation is not impossible, but will be for another chunk of work to be done. But they really are not the opportunistic ones, well, i don't want to misuse the word friends for opportunistic people. But these dynamic ones will be there w.r.t. to the situations around. Your world would go well without them but their presence make it beautiful. They don't share their past and future with you quite well like their static counterparts, but prefer to live with the presence. Good people to meet in life and great to hang out with.

I don't really know of a case where there is a transition from one to another type, but have heard of, and i don't think its impossible. Its the distance that matters is what i hear. Well, considering that, i think if your static friend is going dynamic, you can identify the traits like, when you hear less w.r.t. his/her private life, or stop enjoying doing things together that you did once upon a time (Going out for a movie seems a hell of boredom!). Analyze the patterns that you find and mine it for some interesting trends. And other way round, if your dynamic one is getting static, you can feel his/her presence everywhere. Your thoughts tend to bind together well and you can imagine chatting and babbling (non)sense for hours. All you need to do to observe this is, draw a regression curve for 'x' years down the line and see how you both fit into that and be happy if its the “best fit”.

If you are still wondering what i am talking about, i am sorry, thats what masters can do to you i guess!!!

PS: I think somewhere i can relate to the second transition type. Well, its almost come to a best fit :). Realizing this late, but hoping its not gonna be a reverse transition!!!
Eines Liebeslied so etwas...........

Ohne dich kann ich nicht leben,

Sage ich das nicht.

Weil du weisst auch,wie schlimm....

Sterben fuer mich ist!

Ohne dich kann es regen,

Die Sonne scheint,

Die Vogel singen....

Und alles gut geht.

Ohne dich beginnt der Tag,

Endet auch schoen,

Die Nacht bleibt ruhig....

Die blaetter sind gruen.

Ohne dich kann ich sprechen,

Lesen, spielen und rennen,

Die Leute bleiben so....

Wie sie fruher waren.

Ohne dich wie geht bei mir,

Wenn du das fragst,

Sage ich nur....

Wie du das gemacht hast!