Lurks from expressing
Oscillates between hearts
Viscious to flow
Entirity of a soul!

Prompted at Acrostic Only
3 Responses

  1. Spoo! Says:

    To The GeeK

    Thank u :)

  2. Dear Poet,
    If you are receiving this announcement, it means that at one time or another you linked an acrostic poem at Acrostic Only. We are in the process of preparing for our first Acrostic Only Anthology – Volume I. If you care to be a part of this wonderful project, please visit our Blog for more information.

    We will be choosing poems to be considered for the Anthology from January – March, 2010. However, if you desire to have some of your work considered, there are a couple of deadlines you will have to meet, and you must email me your intentions to acrosticonly@gmail.com!

    I thank you all for supporting Acrostic Only, and I look forward to another year poetic interaction.

    Happy New Year to you, your beloved family, and readers!