Just came to me.
When all things appeared
Plane and bare to see.
I thought and cried
Why me again?
But none to answer that
Only the stubborn pain.
My leaves all gone
Pale and dry.
When my birds sit on me
And all day cry.
I can still hear the whistle
Of my fallen leaves.
As loud and clear
As the chatting eves.
Branches alone stand
Weak dull and bare.
And nobody around
To shower a care.
I stand grim now
And all day weep.
Until my eyes
Go into the deep.
The sun faithfully does
His routine everyday run.
With all his virtues
So rightfully done.
All i can now do
Is only patiently wait.
Until my time arrives
Ripe and right.
Shrewd i still stand
With the only hope strong.
That the spring will arrive
Setting things right that were wrong!
Nice and deeply metaphorical.
and amidst all these profound thoughts, there's that element of abstraction.
Is the theme metaphorical to that of the tree hoping to jump the autumn and get back all its chartreuse?
To !nversed Poignancy!
Yeah very true.It just talks about having an element of hope in toughest of the times :)