When the days were gloomy,
You were the light.
You brought back the joy,
Making every day bright.

The moments we spent,
Jumped and played.
And spent the days,
Never really cared.

Your slightest presence,
Your calm face.
Your gentle nature,
On all days.

Well, when you leave us,
Forever, today.
We still cherish your memories,
Day after day.

We miss you rinku......
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Who do you consider to be your motivation in life? Well not a trivial one to answer this! I should say its come of ages! As kids it would be some iconic characters like Superman or a leading film star etc.. who would be the one whom we looked upon like gods! We were awed. But as we grew we had people in our own circle who could lead us by example. Well, i say we since i am sure many of us have gone through this phase. I always admired my family and the way each one of them was and is inspiring me in every walk. And of course were the teachers too! Then came the people in class (ok.. well, classmates), i would look at one who would answer everything on earth and think, "Wow! is there something he/she doesn't know? I gotta be like that!". And run back home, study for a day or two, get the pseudo-gnaan and phew....throw them in the air! This happened to me very often!

And by the time i realized i was pretty foolish at aping that way, were my friends who had their set of goals and dreams that would make me say, "Well......i get you, thats pretty interesting, wish i would do it!". And when you are a young adult, like what i am today, things change again! You see n number of people around you day in and day out. Each one would be an achiever in their own sense. You sit back and say "Hmm....thats where i wanna be!" But the irony is that the "where" is "everywhere" and you gotta narrow things down!

Okay, i am just trying to say that you can get motivated by people around you for infinite times and it feels great, just too cool! But how far is the spirit in you is what makes you! I just wanna know if there is a class of "inspirons" who can get on you and make you achieve things! Very eager to meet one!
Nothing unusual, today is once again September 5th and the calender just shows me that! Well, something strikes all of us on this day, does it not? One of those special days in the year when you thought about your teachers! Yes, often we are so lost in ourselves that we forget to take note of these amazing people who once made us walk straight, punished when we erred, loved and cared when we needed them the most and may be, were one of the very few souls who enjoyed our successes as if it was theirs! How selfless were they! As the day rises up, i wish to thank all my teachers today, for they are the ones who were responsible for what i am today.

I still remember the way we celebrated this day in our school. All of us were waiting to wear the most colourful dresses on this day, coz that was the only day in the year we could do that! Then came the class decoration part, a competition within classes as to whose class is well decorated most beautifully. This was followed by cutting the cake and a few culturals. Wow! Wish i had them again :) The teachers could not help being overjoyed! Well, it was just a day to see their love and care returned to them! I can recollect when they almost shed their tears in joy!

Just a thought about what it feels to be a teacher. Well, you will be the role model for the entire bunch of students. They look upon you as the all-knowing and you gotta handle this big responsibility. You cant afford to err.... Many watchful eyes around. But that apart, you have the entire heart filled with satisfaction that you have contributed fullest to the society, you are making the future of the country, you are the apple in the students' eyes. And most importantly you can go to bed with a self satisfaction of doing something great everyday. Not only this, you learn every single day, connect ideas and people and inspire a lot among them!!! The happiest moment would be when your student comes to thank you for all that you have done.....Thats really touching! I always that thought it was the best job on earth :)

Hmm all that being there, i just want to shout out to all my teachers out there and say,
I really thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you so much for leading me in the right way.
A sense of gratitude is always there for you.
I will be back to you to say a big "thank you".
Die scheinende Haare,
Lachende Geshischt,
Die schwarze Augen,
Erleuchtet die Welt.

Als ich sie gesehen habe,
Habe ich mich verloren.
Denke ich oft,
Wie kann das sein?

In einem ungewoehnlisches Ort,
Was macht sie dort?
Was hat der Mann gesagt,
Warum weint sie noch?

Ich sah tief in die Augen
Die nun rot war,
Traumen sind klar,
Wunschen sind hoch.

Ich hatte starke Gefuhl,
Sie moechtete etwas sagen.
Aber die Sprache 
Kamm nicht weiter.

Und nach funfzehn Tage...........

Sie war wieder da,
Wartete sie auf jemandem.
Wir haben einander gesehen
Die Augen waren nochmals rot.

Vielleicht hat sie mich gerufen,
Dachte ich immer.
Muss ich mit  ihr sprechen
Was soll ich tun?

Spaeter war es klar,
Sie hatte ein Pech.
Musste alles tun,
Fuer die Unbekannten!
Hmm..., sorry if the title sounds too geeky, but trust me, that is how things are here around me! This is also an inspiration drawn from my algorithms class and i thank my teacher for his unstoppable thoughts. I was pondering on how algorithms are applied and just thought of applying to our lives, and guess what? It works :)

Lets apply the concepts to a day to day activity like...waiting for a bus (actually, i am missing it a lot). Lets start with a liner programming model. Here your linear goal is to get into a bus that takes you to a desired destination and you are happy. The bounds of this equation become the bus being there on time and no traffic jams on the streets. This is how the problem is viewed in the discrete world. In the continuous world, you also have a range of values on the bus's state like it coming on time, being empty, you getting a window seat, your fellow passenger being sweet etc. etc....And along with this is the traffic constraints being continuous with values that the jam is small, manageable or a deadlock! (Bangaloreans need no intro to all these).

Now this continuous linear programming model can be given to a NP Solver to obtain a feasible solution and you might get something like getting up early and being in the bus stop before its too late, adjusting/sharing a seat with someone/ standing on the bus/ avoiding a crowded road (that depends on the bus driver's intelligence) etc etc.......... I too was expecting any of these but...........Oops! It says "NP Hard! Cannot solve any further!"

Yeah, many many activities are NP Hard. Just realised it and gave up thinking! Non convex optimization is something i need to master :)

Well, food for thought!

Disclaimer: I really dont know if the above concepts are mathematically right, but thats what i could make out in my class :( I also dont know if a NP Solver recognises a NP Hard problem. Need some light on them!